Virtual Tensegrities Application
The offline, downloadable version - similar to the applet on these pages, but a bit simplified and with the following additional features:- resizable screen
- strut lengths can be modified interactively
See the screen dump below.
Download version 1.2 (330 kB)
System Requirements:
Any PC (MacOS, Windows, Linux, ...) with a recent version (1.5 and higher) of Java.    

After downloading, start the application by double-clicking (no installation required). If this should not work, you can launch it from the command line by typing
    java -jar "VirtualTensegrities v1.2.jar"
after changing to the directory of the downloaded file.
Virtual Tensegrities V1.2 is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported license.   
